Agriculture was first developed by ants. There are ants that cultivate a type of fungus that grows on leaves that the ants cut and move to their colony. This fungus was domesticated by these ants, and can no longer exist outside of an ant colony.
Ants man. Humans and ants, we are the kings of earth. And why? Because we both learned how to sustain huge flocks, overcoming tribal instability.
Ants do it by being siblings/family (like most flocks do, wolves for instance). Humans do it (and conquered Neanderthals and all others) by being the first to evolve the ability to lie. We can pretend to be family (through religion, nationality) and thus sustain flocks (pseudofamilies) no Neanderthal family can beat.
There are dark sides to flocks though, that are often overlooked. A bird that tweets at night is eaten by the owl, it's whole family is eaten. So flocks learn to kill the weak. Ants do it extremely well, birds kick out smaller babies.
I'm my country of Sweden we have a very strong pseudofamily, so strong we donate money to strangers through welfare. But we also kill the weak. Not long ago we forcibly sterilized ones deemed unsocial or stupid. Today we kill the drug addicts, punish and let them die (greatest mortality in the west) and we all don't care. Because it's needed, for the sake of the family.
This is why so many were upset (and Swedish politics took a sharp right turn) when we suddenly accepted great amounts of immigrants. Because we who know, we know that when it gets cold, swedes kill the weakest. So immigration is not compassionate.