Most folks advise to never type your seed phrase anywhere, so that should significantly reduce the impact of keyloggers, no?
I’m guessing most folks record it somewhere on their hard drive ?
For example , the post the other day with a GPG encrypted copy of the pass phrase. They entered the alphanumeric password at some point and had the pass phrase (seed phrase I guess ?) in a plain text file.
What are the best practices these days ? Anyone to follow / read for good security guides (for crypto specifically ).
Mostly this is an academic thought exercise , a “curated gentle troll” meant to get the community thinking and ideating.
As someone who’s taken many security precautions (including an air gapped offline root CA and GPG primary private key , using multiple yubikeys (one for daily use , one for more sensitive things , one for airgap ) , I take security quite seriously.
I’m always interested to discover new resources
Quite simply I think keeping the seed offline forever is what people do. Physical backups, seed plates, etc. as soon as you put it on a computer, the attack vector increases exponentially. Other folks can weigh in though, I’m just one person
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Consider me flattered and honored!
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