Having an amazing board of directors but at the same time using a DAO for legal cover feels a bit incompatible.
Bisq DAO exists on Bitcoin: https://bisq.network/dao/
Currently , we are not a DAO.
What do you mean by legal cover ?
Ultimately I want to figure out , from “day 0” how to properly architect things in an organization to follow the values we all espouse and strive for.
My impression is that DAOs are usually a way to diffuse legal responsibilities of a de facto company, but you mean it more as a way for shareholders to vote etc?
I’m not entirely sure what a DAO implementation would look like.
The idea is to find a set of tools / patterns / approaches that distribute and de centralize decision making to the lowest level (if possible eliminating levels entirely ) .
I also see it as a practical set of technologies that would allow votes by coop members on a blockchain for example.
You need to know in which sh*ty contracts you'll be doing with DAOs and IPOs. Everyone build (or trying to build) something real/meaningful (for themselves obviously and many others) --> 97% fails!
What does make yours different?
That's why we organize workshop and training to define your organization values, and as you said, [try to] architect things from day zero and define the values to follow. Ping me if you'd like to discuss more.
Most people don’t stay focused and executing for 10 years :)
Most people don’t do the homework Most people don’t build the necessary customer / vendor / partner pipeline Most people don’t go deep on the organizational design Most people don’t have the (passive) revenue from day 1 Most people are reinventing something that already exists
It’s why I’m raising money last :)
I put in the groundwork.
Happy to discuss more . Email is in my bio or we can talk here publicly .