I am very interested in chatting here (and/or privately) with anyone who has put together a DAO.
The organization that I’m putting together , I would like it to be run as distributed/autonomously/de-centralized as possible. Also automated to a large extent via LLM (https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.00352) and things like EngineerGPT/SalesGPT etc (so much busywork can be automated, humans should be performing creative/meaningful/deep thought work).
The overall organization model has a four top level components (this model I believe can be applied to other large problems such as clean water, healthcare, sustainable energy/farming etc)
(essentially I’m wanting to create a vertically/horizontally integrated conglomerate style organization to solve the problem of inexpensive internet access at global scale). It’s taken many years and lots of studying to arrive at this model. I also want it to be run as ethically, soundly, effectively as possible. Ideally without any middle management.
  1. R&D (Suborbital Systems)
  2. Operations (in this case that is Network financing (interested in utilizing bitcoin for this perhaps as a way to custody/escrow funds?) /construction/operations (High Flight Networks) (all of the “big risk” (our regulatory overhead is insane. Did you know you have to have redundant self destruct mechanisms? Hi ATF. Oh you want to transport/store/utilize (and perhaps produce) hydrogen? Hi DOE. Oh you have strong crypto. Hi NSA/Department Of Commerce.)
  3. Capital formation/management (Redwood Springs Capital Partners and TheCampusTradingCompany) (also Redwood Family Office, the idea is to in-house manage all coop members healthcare/401k etc )
  4. Advocacy / education / legislative action/ candidate support . Side Door Group. (remember the college admissions scandal? I liked the side door approach.) A 501c3/c4/(super)PAC.
(also some ancillary brands like StartingLineProductions to lease out all our space engineering lab capacity when we aren’t using it (sub brand of RackRental to rent our network test/interop lab) and KickFund (a crowd funding platform that HighFlight will use).
We have a “no internal cost center” rule. Most things that legacy/traditional organizations would have as cost centers, we turned into their own business/brand.
If you look at most large organizations, they have all the above. However it’s pieced together haphazardly , it’s ineffectively run, it’s value extracting.
I have spent considerable time/effort on forming LLCs/corporations and writing operating agreement/board charters etc (all of which are licensed under AGPLv3 and available in markdown with some simple shell scripts to turn them into PDFs and allow for relatively easy independent use/remixing).
Anyway, I would like to “put it on the blockchain” , have this entity stack instantiated as a DAO , and also do a bona fide security offering ICO. All being completely free/libre/open (the process, the documents, the stack) and be compliant with relevant law as it relates to LLC/corporations .
I am a big fan of minimum impact/change, keeping things that work, not throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Where are the lawyers that have done this? Or want todo this? Where are the folks who have actually made bylaws/operating agreements “in code” . Who has done an actual ICO that is compliant?
I am a founder. I have a deep background in technology (operations and coding side). I am building something real/meaningful. I’ve taken the time todo my homework.
Is BTC/nostr/lightning/ICO/DAO a bunch of dead ends? Is it all experiments that won’t amount to anything (and yes, I consider a 1 trillion dollar market cap on a super …. elastic asset class “nothing” in the grand scheme of things).
Or , is it “the future”? I am here, with a (very well fleshed out/thought out/researched) idea (with working hardware prototypes ) entirely self funded. I have an amazing board of directors that is on board to embrace people/process/systems to accomplish the mission in a way that stays true to the vision.
In short, the perfect petri dish.
We have not taken any outside funding. Our cap table is clean.
Raise money last.
Having an amazing board of directors but at the same time using a DAO for legal cover feels a bit incompatible.
Bisq DAO exists on Bitcoin: https://bisq.network/dao/
Currently , we are not a DAO.
What do you mean by legal cover ?
Ultimately I want to figure out , from “day 0” how to properly architect things in an organization to follow the values we all espouse and strive for.
My impression is that DAOs are usually a way to diffuse legal responsibilities of a de facto company, but you mean it more as a way for shareholders to vote etc?
I’m not entirely sure what a DAO implementation would look like.
The idea is to find a set of tools / patterns / approaches that distribute and de centralize decision making to the lowest level (if possible eliminating levels entirely ) .
I also see it as a practical set of technologies that would allow votes by coop members on a blockchain for example.
You need to know in which sh*ty contracts you'll be doing with DAOs and IPOs. Everyone build (or trying to build) something real/meaningful (for themselves obviously and many others) --> 97% fails!
What does make yours different?
That's why we organize workshop and training to define your organization values, and as you said, [try to] architect things from day zero and define the values to follow. Ping me if you'd like to discuss more.
Most people don’t stay focused and executing for 10 years :)
Most people don’t do the homework Most people don’t build the necessary customer / vendor / partner pipeline Most people don’t go deep on the organizational design Most people don’t have the (passive) revenue from day 1 Most people are reinventing something that already exists
It’s why I’m raising money last :)
I put in the groundwork.
Happy to discuss more . Email is in my bio or we can talk here publicly .