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What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?
When I was a kid I had a strange dream that one of my classmates was missing and I had to find them. In the dream I had found some clue or information that they were locked up in my bathroom. I ended up waking up standing in my bathroom.
I had no prior history of sleepwalking and had no sleepwalking incidents since then.
Weird dream.
many of them are rather absurd, seemingly nonsensical narratives.
I once had a dream I was flying through a town; like superman but more graceful. Weaving between buildings and heading higher-and-higher. I’m enjoying it and then think; ‘how am I flying?’ and plummet to the ground waking up just as I hit concrete.
I get sleep paralysis. Your body paralyses itself, you can't move and you get hyper realistic hallucinatory dreams involving demons that approach you/sit on your chest and terrify you. Feels like they're trying to suck your soul out of your body. I wouldn't wish it on anyone