Sending this one out anyone feeling like they're "stuck" in life at the moment and it feels daunting to see how things could be better...
Maybe you don't like your job. Maybe your relationship isn't going well. Maybe you're learning how to be a single parent. Maybe your parents are nearing end of life. Maybe it. all. fell. apart.
Life is FULL of challenges, heart breaks and tragedy.
But I promise... things can drastically change.
It'll take time and it might seem daunting. But here's what you do...
Take something you like. Maybe an album to listen to, maybe an activity. Maybe a long lost hobby. (But you have to love it. You love this thing or doing this thing.) Doesn't matter if you haven't even done it for a while.
Carve some time out purposely and lean into it as much as possible. Lean into it hard. Let yourself enjoy it like you have in the past.
Think of it as "Stacking Sats" but for happiness.
(This morning I thought of my 18 year old self and how I used to like roaming the neighborhood at dusk and listening to Blink 182. So I cranked their album on the way to work and sang as much as I could remember. Happiness Sats Stacked!)
Wishing you all a good weekend! 🤙
Which album??
The good one. Hahaha.
A fine choice 👍
Tips hat. Thank you