Joinstr operates by creating a post-mix transaction with an event ID. Here's a simplified overview of how it works:
Calculate the postmix_val using the formula: (input_sum - fee) / 5.
Generate an event ID for the CoinJoin round.
Participants provide their UTXOs as inputs, specifying the amount and type.
The CoinJoin transaction is created using these inputs and the event ID.
The resulting transaction is broadcast to the blockchain.
This looks incorrect, and can be replaced with:
JoinStr operates by creating a CoinJoin transaction with the coordination of the Nostr protocol, following these steps:
Register Output: Participants register their desired output using the Nostr protocol.
Create PSBT with User's Input: JoinStr collects all registered outputs and creates a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) with the user's input. This PSBT is signed with the Sighash All | AnyoneCanPay flag.
Combine PSBTs: JoinStr combines the signed PSBTs from all participants in the CoinJoin round.
Broadcast CoinJoin Transaction: Once a sufficient number of signed PSBTs are received (typically from five participants), JoinStr finalizes the CoinJoin transaction by combining the PSBTs. This combined transaction is then broadcast to the Bitcoin blockchain.
correction on the above