Did you actually implement all of this? Will it be ready by the time you start the game?
This looks like the follow-up to the suggestion made by @Michelson_Morley only yesterday (#245450), right?
Good to see you are taking people's advice. Just hope it won't be just words and marketing to get people to sign up and pay the steep entry fee.
Yes correctly, we'll update the now called "white paper and continue building the game accordingly. The deadline is a bit tight, but the goal if to deliver something that we'll review and optimize in future editions. We are sharing the outcomes of our research and soon we'll share the process and expected deliverables for the Mystery Box.
We figured out we could use blockchain-based services like Chainlink VRF as publicly declared sources of randomness in the game's documentation. it wIll be nice to have some technical help to figure out how to implement and maintain the fairness system, as none of us is that deep into development and/or cryptography.
The Game of Satoshi have been engineered with a revolutionary approach that leaves no room for doubt.
This makes it sound like it has already been done.
Maybe the focus should first be on code development rather than copywriting at this point... do you plan on reimbursing people if you don't manage to implement it in time?
You right, we are getting confused on what we aim to and what we currently have. The refund in case of missing implementation could be defiitely an option! Ideally we will run the game once a year, this will give us opportunity to improve