Monero and Bitcoin have different goals.

Different strengths and weaknesses. Specialization requires trade offs. If you try excelling at everything you will be mediocre at everything.
Monero is a better p2p digital cash. A better medium of exchange. Adaptive. Very cheap tx fees, private, and fungible.
Bitcoin is a better p2p digital gold. A better store of value. Conservative. Completely auditable and limited supply.

General technical overview...

Bitcoin coinjoining is obfuscation. A weaker form of privacy vs encryption. All range of amounts and connections are visible. Potentially deobfuscated with more data or future mistakes.
Ring signatures are usually the first and only thing most think of about Monero's privacy... It is also obfuscation BUT is only 1 of 3 privacy layers and only applies to the sender. This means even if one layer is compromised the other layers are unaffected.
The other two layers are truly hidden using ZK proofs and encryption via confidential transactions and stealth addresses. Amounts and recievers are completely hidden and are not visible on the blockchain. Monero has no transaction graph. Simple example:
Monero default transaction: Maybe Alice sent $[?] to [?]
Bitcoin default transaction: Alice sent $X to Bob
Additionally, Dandelion++ makes finding the IP origin of a Monero transaction very difficult even if you are not behind tor or a vpn.

"Bonus points for including arguments from the view of Austrian economics."

Ideal money must be fungible. Bitcoin is fungible on a protocol level. But isn't fungible in the real world. Privacy and fungibility are inseperable for publically broadcasted blockchains.

"Bonus points for thinking about long term perspective, 100, 500, 10000 years."

Monero tail emission means there will always be incentive to mine not dependent on tx fees. Monero tx fees are less than a cent right now and get cheaper the more it is used. Bitcoin will be unusable for 99% of the world in the future.
Lightning feels more like a bad compromise to me. It is rarely used non custodially much less P2P, highly dependant on middlemen to route efficiently and succesfully, interactive, bad sovereign UX, weaker security guarantees, larger attack surface, not the best privacy, and not final settlement, not until that tx is on chain.

"Bonus points for wanting humanity to flourish."

Human freedom is impossible without privacy.
Being able to swap (cross chain atomic swaps soon) means your don't have to "choose". You can use the best tool for the job. Spend with Monero, save with Bitcoin.

...There is a lot to cover. Wanted to keep this relatively brief and easily digestable. But happy to try and answer more specific questions if you have any.

Well done, and THANK YOU! Learned a lot from this.
Sidenote: you now have the most highly stacked comment of the past month. Well earned.
Thank you sir! Hope I made a convincing case for Monero.
Haha wow well, I'm boned. Great answer man you definitely deserve the win