Before I post it every week (fridays) I just want to know if this is something people would like? Im thinking of calling it "RNG WE-EKLY" ( small hint there) Let me know in the comments if your interested. If this is something enough people like the sound of I'll post the details tomorrow and start the first instalment on Friday.
@grayruby (Stacker Sports, he even posts daily, lol) and @Public_N_M_E (Music Monday) have started something similar and I would say quite sucessfully. So I don't know why you shouldn't at least try :)
Definitely sounds interesting
I have no clue what he is referring to but I think any idea that could potentially increase community engagement and maybe bring in some new Stackers is a worthwhile pursuit. I shall partake even though I don't exactly know what I am getting myself into. I hope it's not a cult or a weird sex thing.
He has explained it here: #246931
I have to watch an entire television episode to partake? Can't I just do the cult or weird sex thing?
Haha jk. Sounds fun.