Yeah, but think about how you are able to generate money.
You are using the community (country, state, etc) services either directly or indirectly to be able to charge for the value you are providing.
You can't just charge someone in a vacuum, you need infrastructure to operate, and you need customers that are using that infrastructure as well.
I see taxes as basically a membership fee for having access to all public goods and the people on it that are willing to pay for goods and services.
Big cities I get are never going to change, and taxes just make the collection easier when you're threatening people because the population is too large to deal with
I see this more as a small town thing, and maybe it pushes for decentralisation because people would get a better deal/value for money. A local municipality is just another business in name only, they can charge a fee for that and if they need additional capital municple bonds are an option and you motivate for why you need the capital and get the community on board