I think all of the above sounds really good.
One other issue that gets pulled in , how do we bootstrap? Essentially we are talking about DHT https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_hash_table (bit-torrent or similar) .
In my initial view/thoughts , the coop operating the CDN/DNS would also operate boostrap/discovery nodes.
One problem I want to solve for MorseNET is that one must presume all delegated operators (aka system/network admins) are untrustworthy (either they are, or they get targeted/compromised etc). I want the MorseNET to have a blockchain that records all privileged operations . Ideally this would tie in with a ticket system. So that if say someone is just randomly firing up a network sniffer on the router, without a specific need, it would be logged to the blockchain. The system would ship with a number of pre-canned alerts that everyone would be subscribed to.
I want this kind of system for anyone running critical infrastructure with delegated authority. Total enforced transparency. Yes, from time to time, often daily, personnel with privileged access need to perform operations that may impact privacy. Those actions should be recorded.
Because, while the system your designing ensures no one has tampered/blocked/altered the traffic (which is absolutely something that end users care about and should be able to know/prove/have attested to), it doesn't cover the threat model of delegated authority being able to read/copy/monitor traffic.
I looked into things like blockchain append only databases a few years back.
(This is something that I don't expect a deep answer on, and would fall into consulting/billable/equity/v4v time) .
We have orthogonal goals/objectives . Ultimately we want high trust and the absolute reduction of risk while not impacting usability (I am sorry if that puts words in your mouth, but it's what I'm gathering from these interactions) :)