From their privacy policy:
We may disclose your personal information to government or law enforcement officials or private parties
we are based in the United States, and, regardless of where you use our services or otherwise provide information to us, the information may be transferred to and maintained on servers located in the U.S. or other countries
We share your personal information with third parties, as otherwise described in this privacy policy or at the time of collection. These third parties include: Affiliates, including our subsidiaries and corporate affiliates for use consistent with this privacy policy
To be fair, if you're an Apple user (and this opaque, closed source product is Apple only), you probably don't care about Privacy :-)
The issue with all the 2/3+ hybrid multisig companies is that they have the xpubs, and have to, otherwise recovery is impossible unless you lost a key but not that key's xpub. This solution is just more bespoke. Admittedly cool. You have to accept the trade-offs. For some people's situation (business, family, living arrangement) it makes quite a bit of sense, just not for mine or DIYers.