Hello stackers, we glad to be here and to share our new project:

The Game of Satoshi

In the world of blockchain wars, one name stands above all, shrouded in mystery and intrigueโ€”the enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto. The mysterious creator of Bitcoin, whose true identity remains unknown, left behind a legacy that revolutionized the financial landscape. And now, a thrilling adventure awaits for all Bitcoin enthusiasts, puzzle solvers, and treasure hunters alike โ€“ 'The Game of Satoshi.' Get ready to embark on an extraordinary journey into the heart of the Bitcoin revolution, with a chance to claim the ultimate treasure: 1 BTC!
The Game of Satoshi is more than just a game; it's a captivating quest to unravel the mysteries that surround Satoshi Nakamoto's identity and the birth of Bitcoin. Starting on January 3, 2024, this interactive and immersive experience will challenge your wits, creativity, and determination as you navigate through a series of mind-bending puzzles and secrets concealed by Satoshi himself. Your goal? To claim the coveted Bitcoin treasure and bask in the glory of unlocking the secrets of the most influential figure in the world of cryptocurrencies.

๐Ÿ—๏ธ What Awaits You in 'The Game of Satoshi'?

**A Journey of Discovery: **Dive deep into the world of Satoshi Nakamoto and Bitcoin. Immerse yourself in a captivating narrative that unveils the history and significance of this revolutionary cryptocurrency.
Mind-Bending Puzzles: Prepare to put your problem-solving skills to the test with an array of challenging puzzles and riddles. Each clue you decipher brings you one step closer to the treasure.
**Community Collaboration: **Engage with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, Bitcoin enthusiasts, and fellow treasure hunters. Share insights, seek help, and collaborate to overcome the game's intricate challenges.
**The Ultimate Prize: **The grand prize awaits the most dedicated and astute participants โ€“ 1 BTC! The closer you get to unveiling the mysteries of Satoshi, the better your chances of claiming this coveted treasure.
Satoshi's Legacy: As you progress through the game, gain a deeper understanding of the philosophy, vision, and impact of Satoshi Nakamoto's creation on the world of finance.
Real-Time Updates: Stay up-to-date with real-time announcements, hints, and clues to keep your adventure on track. The Game of Satoshi team is here to guide and support you throughout your journey.
'The Game of Satoshi' will kick off soon, and we are inviting you to embark on an unforgettable quest to unlock the mysteries of Satoshi Nakamoto and claim the ultimate Bitcoin treasure. Join us in celebrating the legacy of Satoshi Nakamoto, the genius behind Bitcoin, and experience the thrill of solving puzzles, revealing secrets, and pursuing 1 BTC. Are you up for the challenge? Get ready to dive into 'The Game of Satoshi' and become a part of bitcoin history!
Stay tuned for updates, and be prepared to make history on January 3, 2024. The treasure hunt of a lifetime awaits โ€“ are you ready to play? ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”“๐Ÿ’ฐ
We are looking forrward to share this journey with the community and we'll appreciate any feedback you might have.
Read your whitepaper. Complete manipulative marketing nonsense.
Invoking the name of Satoshi like you're paying homage, while making vague and empty promises about "how this is deeeefinitely about spreading the word about bitcoin and helping the community, it's tootally not aanything else".
The fucking fleecing of gambling addicts that this project entails is so predatory, so evil, it's almost staggering.
Let's look at your Tokenomics! You try to make it seem like you're only taking a humble 4% of the stakings, "As a nod to the intellectual and foundational efforts of the creators", so humble!
But you're taking 50%. Do you think we are idiots? 36% for "operational costs" and 10% for marketing?
The MINIMUM you require to even start your game is 250 players paying $150, which comes out to $37,500 โ‰ˆ 1.46 BTC. However, these "150$" players get NO CLUES and you claim that 200 CLUES are needed to win the game. How do they get clues? By "playing the dice game", which entails betting on a 65k sided dice, with higher rewards for riskier bets! And oh, of course you take 50% of the losses for your team, for manipulating these addicts. Such an homage to the great Satoshi! You complete scumbags.
And of course, "The cost to play the Satoshi Dice Game is yet to be determined". Like everything in your whitepaper. So transparent! So fair!
It even says so, right here!
The project prides itself on its commitment to transparency. On January 4, 2024, the final number of potential winners will be announced publicly
Wow, such commitment, the final number of potential winners. How transparent.
How about instead of that, you try answering the most basic question of all, how do we know that you're not just gonna enroll anonymously in the game yourselves and take the grand price?
Dumbest thing I've seen in weeks.
Thats' amazing, thank yuo for your feedback. Comments like this make us understand where we are making mistakes and how to re-adjust the goal, as I did not see the numbers this way before. We want this game to be entertaining and fun first, we'll work on it or fail...
Responding to your last question: we already played the game.. tested, had fun, now we want to share with others like you to improve it and share the fun. Practically speaking, we'll be so busy facilitating the game on the other side that we'll not have time for it.

I see. so to be clear: You won't provide proof-of-fairness, meaning that your devs can enter the game and win the 1 BTC. Price.

You don't need to. anyway no worries. I totally know it need to improve the contents and adjust the goals. Its still just a WIP.
Few weeks ago I noticed a post here in SN that was actually a really simple website that basically enable the same. Can anyone relink me to it?
I remember one of the question being
What's the name of the flowers on the balcony that I used to care for?
The second:
"The swimming pool accident -- her first name" Replace the -- symbols with a word for the sentence to make sense
together with other two questions.. so each question response was providing a word, that places together where decrypting a seed containing 0,04BTC or similar

Wrong. you DO need to provide proof-of-fairness.

In its current state, The game is a scam
So how you'll change the rules and provide proof-of-fairness? There's any other mystery game you think play fair rules?
It is not my job to do this for you. But I'll help you with some basics.
  1. Specify in your whitepaper the exact mechanism of randomizations, they should be public APIs / oracles.
  2. Change the code of the game so that addresses/clues/valuables are linked to the public randomizer. This is so that no one on in your team can know the addresses in advance. Everything is made up as the game opens. That makes it provably fair.
  3. Finally, take a SHA256 of your code and upload it now. When the game is done, you must upload the real code, and we will see that it did not change.
"share the fun"
This is about making money. Lots of it.
That's fine, but be up-front about it.
If people put in 150$-200$ to begin with, it would be unfair to still have the pay-to-win aspect to let people increase their odds of winning.
One needs to pay 150$ to participate?
Yes, but you save money if you buy now! Total value: $199 Today just $150 Price will increase soon - ACT NOW!
Thanks, we'll work on improving the copy to better explain what's inside the MysteryBox
This is awesome! have you considered launching a Geyser project as well? I know they have lots of bitcoin-related games on there, and you could sell perks so the bounty grows ๐Ÿ˜
Oh that's great, thank you for the suggestion, we'll definitely look into it
"Tiered Entry Fees" ~= pay-to-win
Isn't the game of satoshi just trying to brute force his keys?
ahaha... yes, that's why we set it up :)
Keren cuk
Smells like a shit coin
please tell me more... and what smell we should remove to don't smell like it?
Players can PAY to play the dice game; which can then provide clues for the grand prize??? That makes this a Pay to Win game.
I was interested in the thing up until that detail.
Not at all... the fact that subscribe to the game does not mean at all you gonna win. It's a personal quest you'll take.. its not a competition to win a prize. There's anything you'll change?
Either you can scummy scammer or completely delusional... "Personal quest" wtf...
Read up on Game Theory. Players can and will do everything to break your game within the rules you set out. The game player is the ultimate monkey's paw.
The "game" you set forth makes no sense. Good luck!
Look up what 'pay-to-win' means in this context (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pay-to-win). You increase your chances of winning by paying.
"It's not a competition to win a prize"?
From your webpage:
What is the purpose of the game? The game is designed for Bitcoin enthusiasts. The goal is to solve puzzles and complete tasks to find three keys, each a part of a Shamir recovery seed. The first to recover all keys and solve the seed wins 1 BTC.