I think it is the case to an extent, there's a reason people have so much group think because they're not really using the internet they're using a walled garden like google or a social media app that can craft narratives for you
Even the blogs that rank on search engines like bing and google could be curated or bot written or just punish users who have different opinions by deranking them, Comments on blogs can also be bottted and give people the illusion of consensus
ChatGPT also makes me feel like they had this tech running in the background for some time, feeding bot accounts bet that on social media or building content. Now that we've opened it up to the public, so many people are using ChatGPT and BARD without questioning it and they are promoting narratives as if these bots are impartial
I also think it there are human bot farms I can see that on review sites people are paid to push certain opinions, so why wouldn't that be done on other topics or use cases? The general internet experience that normies have are all crafted because people arent willing to explore