Bitcoin had just hit a new ATH and it was all over the news. My thesis was simple... buy low and sell high. But to do this I knew I needed to wait until the bottom of the next bear market (of course).
While I waited, I got distracted by crypto. I remember it was like walking into a casino with flashing lights and loud noises. I bought some random shitcoin and got hooked on the rush of watching my so called 'money' go up and down. It was addictive.
Next I started listening to every YouTuber and influencer out there. Fortunately, I have a pretty good bullshit meter. I quickly realized most of it was scammy and scummy. I could see most of them where just pumping their bags. I still owned some bags of the usual shit (ETH, DOGE, ADA, SOL, etc). If the goal was to make more dollars, I actually did pretty well.
But something didn't sit right. Bitcoin didn't fit the mold, it wasn't like all the others. I went down the rabbit hole. At some point I was listening to a podcast and something clicked. From this moment on, I saw the world differently. I started seeing everything through a Bitcoin lens and everything started to make more sense.
I sold all my shitcoin bags and went all in on Bitcoin at the bottom of the bear market. My original thesis was finally playing out. But there's a difference. I'm not selling. I couldn't give a fuck about having more dollars anymore.
We should all remember our stories, because this is how new Bitcoiner's are created. It takes time to do the work.