"доверяй, но проверяй" (Trust, but verify , in Russian: , tr. doveryay, no proveryay)
That's where our extremely common "don't trust, verify" comes from. Suzanne Massie taught it to Reagan in the golden age of pop music. Honestly it's a good way to handle social interactions in the meatspace (hopefully we're all making sure we get our daily dose of them, right?).
Not trusting anyone makes you a sour and kills you from the inside.

"Me cago en todo" lit. I shit on everything, meaning fuck me

百聞不如一見 (bai wen bu ru yi jian) lit seeing once is better than hearing it a hundred times, meaning seeing is believing. Useful in today's world where everyone blindly follows MSM (or random unqualified internet celebrities).
BTW none are AI generated. All are in languages that I know a bit about :)