Thank you for yelling like a retard. He doesn't need the contrast, but the reminder of how boring and stupid many bitcoiners are does make him stand out even more.

Your iq is smaller than an epsilon minus a delta

just keep drinking jimmy's kool aid and buy his book that's gonna do nothing to actually "fix" the situation you pawn plebeian
you don't reply to my point just like jimmy because you can't actually come up with a reply (unlike everyone else in this thread who has the eyes, ears, and balls to disagree with his obviously retarded statement)
Who are you calling a pleb, pleb?
You don't matter. You're inconsequential.
You will never understand bitcoin the way I do because you will never build anything of value of a remotely similar magnitude to what I have done.

wee woo apologies fellow users we've got some special snowflake syndrome on aisle retard

a wandering ego npc is acting wildly out of pocket
beware of approaching him with rational thought coated in mild sarcasm or else he might shit his diapers (once again... this isn't the first time this ego npc has shit his diapers in public)

beware he is deaf to any and all outside points of view as he's spent extended time reverberating in an echo chamber of his own delusions so do not try to approach him else he might lash out

if you actually believe jimmy's thesis about births correlated with individual wealth linked to fiat economics then you're a tard who drinks kool aid ngmi
It's not "Jimmy's thesis", influencer maxi jackass leftist statist lgbt-pedo apologist, it's just incredibly obvious.