personally, I don't fucking care about brainless NPCs nocoiners, that don't even want to listen about Bitcoin. HFSP And those that are not willing to read and learn at least 2 pages of guides about how to use and secure his bitcoins... fuck them. They get what they fucking deserve. NO REMORSE FOR IDIOTS
dude, you are out of control.
this is not about nocoiners it is about people with bitcoin ultimately losing all of their holdings as generations progress
sorry I am always out of control in this mad world. I am not more crazy than all these fuckers nocoiners. People with bitcoin that lose their holdings are ABSOLUTE MORONS thatr do not read a fucking paper about how to secure their fucking seed
See this picture?
Is fucking REAL. Is from 2016! I even point out where is the fucking bitcoin seed and even today after 8 fucking years people don't get it!