1. Where does the interest come from?
Who produces it?
  1. You created another Fiat world. You changed the dollar into “treasuries”, but the basics seems the same. It is centralized, you can create it from thin air. You can increase the money supply. And when it is centralized it becomes something politicians can influence and print more of.
  2. I do not understand your story with the interest rate. And I do not understand your link with inflation. To me inflation is the debasement of money because you can print the digits. You have not convinced me why there is no inflation in your system.
  3. I do not believe a central organization like the FED can know what is happening in all markets, real estate, job market, goods and services market, capital market, stock market to set the price - e.g the interest rate of money or whatever fiat construct there is. Especially if you have to do this for 230 countries.
  4. What is the fundamental challenge/problem you are trying to solve with your analysis? That there is no “interest” for Bitcoin? I think it is good that there is no “interest”. You have limited supply. Nobody can create more of it beyond the limited supply. The only way you can get an interest on your bitcoin is if you lend it to me and I will give you 5% interest. 5% of the limited supply, because I cannot create any bitcoin indefinitely.
But to do that I’m gonna lend out your bitcoin to some riskier counterpatry of mine that pays me 11% of interest. So I can get my cut of 6% and pay you your 5%. And by doing that - chasing interest - you have introduced counterparty risk. You have to trust me and my counterparty and his counterparty etc.
  1. Why are you trying to find something “else”? Why can’t you stick with Bitcoin? Limited supply, nobody can change the rules, no interest. Only price based on demand and supply. Demand determining the price. Out of the influence of politicians. I think that is quite some magic there.
  2. I won’t trust any money created by any central organization. They have shown in the past 500-1000 years not to work. See Ray Dalio and Lyn Alden.
Unit of account: when other global currencies and possibly the US dollar start collapsing (eg debt to income already at 129%) this 10% fluctuations of bitcoin price would seem peanuts.
Then people will start saying: a cup of coffee 3000 sats. A house 4 bitcoin.
A car 1 bitcoin.
Bitcoin will appreciate against all other goods and services.
Hope this is some feedback you could use.