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Lucky you. I'm stuck at work. I envy you, Natalia. Enjoy your Monday!
Thanks, actually exploring is also part of the work for me, and it's the part I like the best: walking the path less traveled, digging for the local well-kept secrets, learning from people with different skillsets 🙌🏼
Then more fun things could be shared with like-minded people.
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I am used to getting most "heavy work" done during weekends, then free mind and free time to explore during weekdays.
Also, working with people in other time zones feels like earning extra time when they get things done while I am sleeping.
Productivity hacks of today 🤓
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Need to hack the matrix!
Ughh saying from someone much one of the early birds here every day, humble Nemo? And where is your cowboy hat, did you hide it? 😂
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wow, new feature learnt
Stay humble and keep stacking 🫡