I don't care, my goal is to spread Bitcoin wherever it is needed. If Coca Cola or Nike or Volkswagen wants sats because their employees in poor countries ask to be paid in sats then why not.
And you also have to realize that real adoption comes when volatility is not an issue anymore for people. This means no more need to use fiat to do your daily purchases. So you basically need this circular economy to emerge, and your surgeon, your coder, your engineer will never accept Bitcoin if they can't buy things with it in real life. And merchants will never accept it if they can't buy their stock with it and pay salaries with it etc etc....
Last thing, if I need to spend my Bitcoin in the future, particularly in the case where it is much more expensive than today, I'll be happy that it can be use for ay purchase of my daily life cause it basically means paying in cash, rather than in fiat so much better to avoid capital gain taxes...
Basically Bitcoin is good spending for anything, and it is good for Bitcoin in return I'm sure of it. Spend whenever people ask for your precious sats, unleash the power of P2P ecash and buy back, it's good for your stack overall.