It's a quick and easy way to give your life savings to Craig Wright.
This is the whole point of it. Go back and read Paul's 2015 blog post where he proposed it. The idea at the time was that Bitcoin was going to fork into a bunch of alt-chains, so Drivechains would help you buy BitcoinUL, or BitcoinXT, or BCH, or BSV.
While I fundamentally agree in free economics and people should be allowed to buy whatever scam they want, I think it's dumb to change Bitcoin's consensus algorithm specifically to accommodate scams.
Also, Paul tends to lie alot in my experience. While some people think that we should only evaluate Drivechain on its technology merits, not the personalities behind it, I disagree. I think it's a mistake to allow liars hide behind some code, as if their moral shortcomings won't have consequences down the line. An example of a recent lie of Paul's is the claim that miners don't get any revenue from Lightning, while in fact they've collected millions of $ worth of fees for channel management.
Good rundown, at least it explains the Twitter arguments I've seen. This is Paul Sztorc, btw