Many times, it's a great read. This actually applies generally to most revolutionary papers, they are easily distinguishable from blah papers due to the fact that they are trying to tell you something, whereas the blah papers are trying to convince you they're telling you something.
I recommend checking out some Einstein papers to see what I mean. You might not get the full meaning if you don't have a physics background, but you'll see that he uses very simple, concise language. Because he wants you to understand his idea! The same is true for Satoshi. My favorite of Einsteins is just 3 pages long. Here's a link for the interested, the title is Is There a Gravitational Effect Which Is Analogous to Electrodynamic Induction. Here is the first couple paragraphs of it:
Notice how he doesn't try to dazzle you with large words.
Compare this to something like the RGB "black" paper (a silly crypto project imo) It doesn't try to tell you something, it tries to tell you that it's telling you something.