Noticed a bunch of probes getting stuck on them today. That makes sense.
@benthecarman has expressed this before but the hodl invoice APIs seem to have a bit of a scalability concern, if it still requires subscribing to each payment hash individually instead of a single API call for subscribing to all invoices like normal.
Boostraping liquidity to a new node and doing all those channel closes with the risk of all those in flight hodl htlc's... I do not envy them but I do not see another option. Can't wait weeks to months for LND to fix issues like this. Hopefully they don't run into another unresolved bug causing multi-thousand-dollar force closes while they go through this.
Order creation is now closed. It will say "The order booi is full". I expect to be able to replace the node by next Tuesday. And I hope then everything starts working smoothly. There is 14 payout stuck. Some of then since 22 Aug. Some other more recently. If this is your situation: store safely your robot token. The app will eventually let you submit a new invoice. Most likely, that won't happen until we swap the node.
For those who can, don't hesitate to bring inbound capa to the new node by opening channels with it !
Now this is news 📰!
I noticed only 3 orders earlier
Ah. Thanks for this update.