You can now explore past blocks and transactions on Bitfeed.
Use the arrows either side of a block to scroll back and forth through time, or paste a block height, block hash or transaction id into the search bar at the top of the page.
Click any transaction to see a detailed view (double-tap on mobile), from which you can trace inputs back to their originating transactions, or follow outputs forward to where they were spent.
The project has come a long way since I first announced it on stacker news in July of last year, let me know what you think of the new features!
This may be a bit controversial, but honestly the best feature for me would be if there's optional link to from both the block and also the transaction view :)
Other ideas:
  • Currently there's (afaik) no way to get the full bitcoin address (it has "..." in the middle)
  • It would be great if the addresses in the UTXO are clickable, so I can navigate to those (it took me a while to find the ">" button to navigate to those)
  • It would be super cool if I can expand multiple linked utxos at the same time in a fullscreen view (I like that you use width to highlight the amount sent), e.g. if UTXO A was spent to B and B to C and C to D and E... it would be great if I can expand the UI to see all of this at the same time.
  • The transaction detail box takes quite a bit of space - I would prefer more concise view.
Great feedback, thank you!
Links to a more fully-featured explorer for additional details would definitely be useful.
The address truncation is actually only visual, you should still be able to copy and paste the full address if you select across both sides of the '...'
Visualization of data is excellent! What a great learning tool and exploration vehicle. Just installed it.