For many years I have wondered how much presidents actually have. My gut tells me they are mostly actors/presenters more than actual in control. It is hard for me to believe they actually hold the power we are led to believe. There are so many people responsible for their position that it seems far more logic to me to think they are simply functionaries and public figureheads. The real power is more unseen. That might sound crazy to many but what truly sounds crazy to me is believing the current president is actually "running" the USA.
I was going to say that I'm sure they're not actors... then I remembered former Hollywood actor Reagan.
I'd imagine that even serious, career politicians, with no acting experience, get more than a little crestfallen when they see how they're just a cog in the machine instead of being the driver.
In fact, I'd go as far as to say that no-one can ever be the sole driver - however much they'd like.
I'd imagine that all of the power-mad dictators of the world get a little crazier when they realize this...
Life in a regular job is not possible to do alone. Were social animals and everything is interconnected. Figurehead, actor or President there's too many plates to spin on your own.
How's that old joke go?
If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.
Woody Allen