We'll have more time to devote to new architecture design rather than being so focused on efficiency. And paradoxically at the same time, they'll be created 10x more efficiently anyway
We all know short-term thinking is usually inferior to long-term thinking. We know we live under the influence of a money that discourages long-term thinking. A deflating currency encourages spending over saving. Short-term thinking. If this influence is removed. If this overarching force is eliminated I believe we will see many changes in our everyday lives. I believe they will be good on the whole.
Even though we know fiat is a melting ice cube we still use it as a ruler to gauge value (unit of account). Even a shift away from this would be revolutionary. This change will remove a major tool that rulers have over their subjects(citizens).
I can attest to the affect bitcoin has had on my thinking about money, spending, saving, and short-term vs long-term planning. The society wide impact will be massive.