I think separating money from state would be the real cure, the levels of corruption are quite high due to greed and the donors willing to feed that greed
Currently the donors are calling the shots and deciding which puppet will be in what position within the governments of the worlds including heads of state
Any country that manages to make donations and lobbying illegal will be taking a step in the right direction. A slice of our taxes should be used to fund the campaigns equally and writing a set of fair rules for the campaigns so all political parties receive the same amount of attention from the public. Currently is a joke, an illusion of democracy, the worst part is that most believe naively they live in a democracy....
My preference is to completely separate the state from civil society, but this post seemed to be about various tinkerings around the edges.
I enjoy thinking through these sorts of wonkish proposals, but really this stuff all gets cleaned up by abolishing the state.