I had kinda noticed a general "not my fault" ideology seeping it's way into general society. No one wants to take personal responsibility or accountability for their actions anymore. Always looking for someone else to blame.
"I got hacked" probably not, you probably use the same password for all your accounts and it was "leaked" (see also sold) in a data breach.
"I got scammed, they're scammers and they're awful" - yeah sure, but it required you to do something, to believe their story and send them details or money or whatever, you had to make an action. Scammers can't do shit unless you let them.
"The government should step in to stop this" - or you can be more vigilant.
Personal damn accountability. If you blame everyone else, you don't learn from it you just believe it was an unfortunate accident that could have happened to anyone. It happened to you because you let it. Not taking responsibility diminishes any learning you can get, if you didn't do anything wrong there's nothing to learn right? Well if you didn't do something wrong and aren't partially responsible then it wouldn't have happened to you.
Et Fín.