I'm with you on this. My journey is from militant agnostic to pro-religion atheist.
Interesting, I've gone from militant atheist, to someone with faith, and truly sees the Bible as one of the best kept secrets in our world. Meaning, most people haven't read it, think it's a scam, and attribute all kinds of things that it doesn't actually say.
What's a pro-religion atheist, not heard of that one, genuinely interested.
I see the value religion adds to people's lives and society at large, but I don't find any of the supernatural claims convincing.
Listening to Jordan Peterson's Biblical Lecture Series really helped me see the value in those stories and the metaphorical truths they hold. I grew up entirely secular and just never understood what people got out of the biblical stories.
I have massive respect for Peterson, I was lucky enough to see him IRL too.
I haven't found the time to watch all his lectures yet, his books I love though.
I haven't started his new Biblical Lecture Series, but I'm looking forward to it.