It doesn't look like you post or commented yesterday and we are running a new experiment with rewards only being given for posts/comments.
I wonder if it would be a good feature to give all users the notification message about how they ranked in the rewards. Not just users who got a reward.
Example: "You stacked 0 sats. You where in the 32% of top posting/comment users yesterday"
Give users a feel for how close or far they where.
I like this!
This is good. +1 from me if we're voting. If I get a vote. Are we voting? Do I get a vote?
Vote officially received. We're out of stickers though
That's fine, I'll just write it on my shirt.
hmmm, I commented a post yesterday but maybe it was irrelevant?
Not irrelevant but perhaps it went unnoticed. We'll be refining this more soon. We only reward the top 21% of content right now. Maybe we should make this less top heavy.
Maybe! I spent a lot of sats yesterday and commented but 0 rewards, rewards are for the plebs not the social elite xD But yeah, experimentation is good
😞 yeah it’d be nice if experiments didn’t fail before succeeding.
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