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How are we not staring down an inbound tech purge this decade? Is any of this stuff freeing us? No. Better question, is any of it making things cheaper? Well it seems composability is all the rage and ostensibly it should, and using Uber as a microcosmic example, they :
  • have a piece of core code
  • get the location information of a driver through Google Maps
  • send the information to the driver through Tulio
  • pay the driver through Stripe.
Awesome. But Uber and rideshare are more expensive than taxis were. The difference is rideshare companies never figured out how to make money. I might say the same of streaming, which is just as expensive and confusing as cable was. To watch everything you want (sports, shows, etc), there's a dozen different streaming services, each with several different plans, some with multiple different apps even. They should consolidate them all and recreate…cable. Or the cloud, which is becoming expensive, and getting hit with exploits, where several businesses are repatriating their IT workloads from the public cloud to save money. Or what about Cybertruck? Or other nonsense like a Reddit IPO? Or Youtube and its pre-upload scans tied to ever-expanding licensing databases, and scans that flag any prevailing censorship flavors of the week, plus the advertiser demands, unfair algos, threats of demonetization, de-platforming...there's a threshold where this becomes suffocating to art and expression. None of this centralized stuff can stop its own momentum. Centralized companies can’t build L1s. It all leads into this thought I have on Ai.
I keep hearing in the news, social media, and in markets that Ai is going to allow businesses to cut costs, cut employees, consolidate, and ultimately make businesses more profitable.
                                   NO IT WON’T
For a small subset of businesses Ai is fantastic for the bottom line. But if every business has the Ai models, Nvidia architecture, hyperscalers, etc, then eventually what happens? Everyone has lower costs. But then someone cuts prices. So now everyone has the lower costs AND the lower prices. The margins collapse. It benefits the consumer. Ai I’m absolutely convinced will supercharge FOSS, which is terrible for Silicon Valley, as it distributes away centers. I’m not saying Linux distros will come for the OS crown or Chrome won’t maintain it’s browser hegemony. But when you have mesh networks challenging ISPs and an open source Adobe Suite option that’s interoperable with everything else, the traditional ecosystems have barbarians at their gates.
We've seen it in various ways. My favorite example is the early 90s when this played out with computing and software. Every business followed the promise of lower costs and consolidation. They rushed to integrate. Everyone was proudly rocking them. And how soon computing hardware and software was abstracting away so much, that many businesses went bust. Then the internet…for 20 years it had been metastasizing, going from slowly to suddenly. Information technology turned into this brutal deflationary system, where whole data sets, universities, libraries, etc, got crammed into ever shrinking hard-drives, executed by ever shrinking silicon, and complex software. Cables, wires, and waves allowed this creation of information overabundance to scale to light speed, settling instantly, at near zero cost – or whatever it cost to send an email.
It savaged the a priori business models, infrastructure, and traditional thinking that existed before it. Smart people looked dumb. We know the story. In the United States fortunes were born from this crucible. Look at the top-10 rich list of today in America.
Something similar is slowly happening today. Ai is coming, eating information, bitcoin is metastasizing, absorbing value at the protocol layer instead of the application layer. Meanwhile FOSS is sitting there ready to tear down borders and distribute away centers with its new buddies. Together they can dismantle the current system, the same way the current system did the analog system before it. The parallels are undeniable. That famous meme of the bitcoin asteroid coming for financial dinosaurs should get updated to show a whole many different kinds of dinosaurs. We’ll get a brutal deflationary system, creating an overabundance of what this time?
I also don't think AI "saves us" from the grind, I get that it can make a lot of pointless tasks obsolete and companies can save on labour costs in admin and other operational capacity stuff which frees up time for people to be creative and tackle other tasks, but if they don't have the resources because you're a wage slave you're not going to be very creative
I think AI will need to go through its bubble be applied to everything, fail at alot of things and find where it really delivers value, and clean up that niche while humans focus on harder problems. I know ideas can come out of desperation, but some ideas require time and savings, trial and error to execute, and only with BTC do I see people being able to have savings and buy back time for themselves
I keep hearing this AI will launch the need for UBI nonsense as some sort of scoopy snack to feed the population when they get shafted as AI consolidates power and profits and I don't see how its going to work out for the better, seems like digital rations more than a utopia of free time and less work
I happen to think UBI is really good for bitcoin, acting like a fountain for BTC's monetization, creating a bigger necessity for decentralized money. One reason for this is because a CBDC+UBI will carry with it purchase voids, restrictions, geofencing, possibly expirations, all of which further hollows out the money's ability to be an effective store of value. You also bring the money a step closer to politicians, who start deciding things over independent Central Banks. Airdrop degeneracy anyone? Then there's the surveillance aspect which is related to the above but discrete, and means that traditional tax havens don't work when their ramps are surveilled, and when combined with the previous properties is deadly. Then you have a game theory thing going on where what traditionally gives money volume in forex has an added wrinkle of valuing whatever CBDC proffers the most "freedom", but bitcoin exists, which is why I think the BTC/USD pair will eventually take out the volume of EUR/USD, the current forex darling. This is all happening while inflation, monetary expansion, debt, etc, are increasing. For me UBI makes sense in the fiat system. We're going to replace that system. We don't need to virtue signal with Austrian ideals or pretend like we're going to make the fiat system work. It's a dying system. CBDC's and UBI are a means to the transition. On the other side of monetization, the fixed liberties of bitcoin start to shine brighter than its fixed monetary properties.
I can definitely see your point its like the final phase of fiat where you kind of admit its worthless so just everyone try to spend it as fast as you can and lets see if we can keep kicking the can down the road as we have controlled consumption and production with rules based money
Like you say the money becomes even more political and creates more weird incentives and ways to game the system, that have unintended consequences. Right now the money is corrupt but not to a point where critical operations fail like growing food or generating energy, thats my real worry for UBI maybe its far fetched but even just watching the crazy stuff people are willing to do to get government grants and contracts in the current system, makes me feel like UBI will be like that x10000
I think all of us here are aware of Bitcoins game theory pushing a migration but Im not yet convinced a large enough minority gets it yet, to drive change, the idea of free money is so strong thats why shitcoins do so well for a brief period.
Governments can do what shitcoins do for even longer with UBI, but lets see, I guess more fiat pain can convince people
Lower cost also means you get a lot of inexpensive crap, which the masses will eat up and therefore crap becomes mainstream. Yep that's my prediction. Stuff that AI is good at producing is going to be inexpensive, crappy, and loved by the masses.
Great post.
tl;dr, Creative destruction and competition will drive legacy business's profits to 0 (or lower).
‘Information technology turned into this brutal deflationary system, where whole data sets, universities, libraries, etc, got crammed into ever shrinking hard-drives, executed by ever shrinking silicon, and complex software. Cables, wires, and waves allowed this creation of information overabundance to scale to light speed, settling instantly, at near zero cost – or whatever it cost to send an email.’
Whilst I completely agree with this appraisal I was thinking about libraries - a great upskiller and educator of many people through the 19thC in US and Europe. The information was free, along with many courses etc, and abundant but it took effort to locate. The journey of finding engaging with information required effort and it’s time investment made it worthwhile and appreciated. Free 5hit seems unappreciated and undervalued as it has not necessarily been earned by the user.
Apologies for jumbled thoughts - still thinking this through.
Interesting. It reminds me of something my grandfather once said:
"The internet is a telecom scam sold to people too lazy to visit their local library."
I just realized what you said is what he meant. I hadn't thought about that. He wasn't opposed to tech and his "pill moment" was when he downloaded a rare manual to fix an old motorcycle. Interesting. Kind of laughing over here. Good counterpoint.
Smart grandpa
Absolutely. ‘Ain’t no free lunch’ - you can find and download the manuals online but it takes some work to use them. Sometimes we seem to have a society with free downloads and no drive to use them.
Is this, Morpheus?
Haha. Free your mind.
Foss, Bitcoin, AI, Nostr Stack is going to go crazy for future generations https://youtu.be/5p248yoa3oE?si=UBdisFpqj4hstkBT
Ai will have incentives just like the rest of the economic world- fiat money will drive bad decisions, sound money good
This post looks really interesting, as do the comments. I'll be back after I have some morning coffee to wake my brain up.
AI will have its growing pains like anything else, but it’ll also be the fastest, by far, at improving
I agree we need a decentralized AI. SEC's Gary Gensler in a brief talk accidentally spilled out that AI is used for social credit score, and according to Klaus Schwab everyone will have AI as assistant. They want to fully track you for your social credit.
small addition to this which isnt mentioned:
ai is animated by demons.
quite literally.
i have seen a video from ai designers where they say "the force" that animates the ai is much akin to them "inviting" HP lovecrafts "elders" into the computer....
not cool by me, at all. not by any stretch.
We need to have our AIs to fight other AIs as more companies and governments rely on them to have consumers bow to them.
is all a mess. just found out GTA6 will require facial scan to prove age. all this stuff hellbent on killing itself
I'll bet 1000 sats that it won't actually happen.
Simplestacker...would you do it to play tho?
Nope. There isn't a game out there that I'd willingly undergo facial scanning in order to play.
I didn't know that. A search just pulled up a bunch of info confirming this. Time to send the ACLU an email. Is this a first of its kind do you know, or have other games required this?
Nice try Skynet
AI will only further imprison the slaves
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I like this.