Wouldn't supporting runwithbitcoin be donating in the classical sense? I am donating money to him to support him. Same thing with Opensats. I donate sats to support projects I believe in. My incentives may be somewhat "selfish" in that I own bitcoin and want bitcoin to succeed. It isn't going against incentives to give away your bitcoin for these projects. In fact, my incentives are to promote the network as best I can so that it can grow stronger and step up to become the world's money.
However, the current version of donation to bitcoin projects is different than what it will evolve into. Currently, most of the bitcoin donations are to improve aspects of bitcoin through education, increased adoption, supporting developers, supporting research/legislation, etc, etc. They are all directly involved in promoting bitcoin rather than just using bitcoin as the currency for some other project.
Eventually, once bitcoin does catch on as the world's currency, then donations will be for similar things that people donate to now, just that the currency will be denominated in BTC rather than fiat.