Happy, yes. Deserving? Probably not. It also seems like the reward distribution for each item is reflected on the item directly? It feels a bit misleading. Not sure if I’m seeing things clearly, it’s very early for me…
What is it leading you to believe that it shouldn't?
The rewards page says I earned 3790 sats for this comment: #239263
That item currently shows 4116 sats. It was in the ~300 range last night. So I assume 4116 comes from zaps + rewards.
I wouldn't expect reward sats to show up in the item description, since I thought that only showed zapped sats.
My wallet history also shows that I've stacked 293.4 sats for that comment, which aligns with my above assumption.
Does that make any sense?
It does. We made that change to communicate how much items were earning without introducing ui clutter. Maybe we can distinguish it somehow though.
Gotcha. Yea, I can see why you did it that way.
It wouldn't help on mobile, but at least on desktop, we could update the title attribute when hovering on the sats count in the item details to include the breakdown of sats from rewards vs stackers.
I feel similarly about my rewards for yesterday. It's not that my comments weren't worthwhile, but they didn't seem that great.
Yes, it was pretty amazing! It wasn't much in dollar value, but felt so much bigger. It did make me want to spend more time on SN engaging.
Like @weareallsatoshi said. Probably not deserving though
I got a lot of rewards from yesterday but I don't want to judge the new system based on an abnormal day. Honestly, it was a bit too much so I will donate some of them to the Satsraiser which is still up and some of them back to SN rewards. I was super active all day due to the satsraiser and trying to stay engaged with everyone so let's see tomorrow.
It's a runaway feedback cycle! You've been getting your comments zapped because of how successful your fundraiser is and your fundraiser is more successful because your comments are being zapped.
Rewards slowed to a trickle.
We updated to algo yesterday to only reward top posts/comments. We'll probably begin rewarding zaps again in a week or two once we feel like we understand the impact.
If my assumption is right, zaps should be in muscle memory by now XD
Interesting point. People should at least be a little more comfortable with the feel/idea/effect.
I'm was getting a lil heavy handed with my zaps because, at first the rewards were generous, but now they've slowed so I'm using more discretion before a spam the ⚡.
More event maybe
I got quite some rewards in the previous weeks, while now I receive none. I probably didn't deserve those though. Will continue to mostly lurk.
i generally lurk and vote more than post and comment, so while i'm definitely getting less rewards during this test, i also got a ton during the "only rewarding zaps" test. so it evens out as far as i'm concerned
Happy yes, but also liked seeing that there would be some distinction given for commenting / participating in the thread vs. just zapping. It felt like it would be too easy to game the system for someone just looking to zap every post early and collect rewards without even reading the content, clicking through, or attempting to add further value to the conversation beyond zapping some sats