The Defense Threat Reduction Agency wants an alternative to username/password login. Seems like a good opportunity to get funding for LNURL-auth or Nostr.
The Phase I is for $167,500, and the Phase II is for $1.1m
You can apply even as an individual, you just need to do some registrations that take a few weeks so you would want to start working on this right away. Feel free to DM me if you have questions. SBIR/STTRs require fairly lengthy proposals.
Also, this is an STTR, which means you would need a university partner onboard, and that can be slow. They take 30% of the awarded funds. Due October 18. September 19 is the last day you can legally contact the program managers to discuss your idea and get feedback, which you SHOULD do if you want to apply.
TPOC-1: Timothy Troy Email: TPOC-2: Thurmon Deloney Email:
Imagine if the DoD started using Nostr or Lightning for logins and access control!
DoD started using Lightning for logins and access control - that's the way :)