The response was a scam
The virus definitely was not, I personally had it twice (didn't take any experimental vax)
Whilst I don't support forced lockdowns or jabs, I respect others rights to voluntarily engage in those things.
Covid-19 was/is a real virus. The response was genuine, the vaccines are safe and effective. The lockdowns were way to harsh in retrospect but humanity did not know that at the time.
This is not "brainwashed", this is just simple facts. Sometimes reality is just really boring but it's the truth.
I'd agree in everything except that humanity did not know at the time. The WHO has had recommended plans on how to address a large scale pandemic like COVID for years and lockdowns were never even considered. Experts in many countries were actually convinced to support the lockdowns by the politicians they worked for, not the other way around. The public may not have known, but many other people did
the vaccines are safe and effective
I personally had it twice
LOL you are totally brainwashed to believe that. I suggest you to read Ed. Bernays book "propaganda" and also watch this excerpt from it and you will realize how you were fooled to believe that a killing "virus" exist and you were "infected".
With all due respect, there was a real virus Darth. Whether that was manufactured in a Wuhan lab by a subcontractor of the CIA, I have no idea, but the virus is/was real. The response was bullshit. Masks, lockdowns and vaccines had no effect to stop it. But the virus was 100% real, and many, mainly overweight old and unfit, people died.
I personally took care of more than a few relatively healthy 30 and 40 year olds and a few pregnant women who spent 1-2+ weeks of high flow nasal canula who could have died if we ran out of beds/respiratory support.
Thankfully, as I always tell patients, I have not had to call ICU about a crashing COVID patient since February 2022, after the first Omicron wave. It used to be an almost daily occurrence prior to that through Delta waves. Things have gotten a lot better.