12 bytes/8 bytes/16 bytes/4 bytes
There's no obvious way to get 32 bytes, which is the typical length of a private key. I guess it could be that the last 4 bytes are not anything and the first 3 chunks are 32 bytes + 4 byte checksum. If it were and you had those question marks in those places, that's 10 question marks or 40 bits that you have to roll through or 2^40 of attempts. That's about a trillion different possibilities, which is doable, especially with some GPUs. I did 2^44 in about 2 days a while back and that cost about $800 to rent the requisite GPUs if I remember correctly. So, 2^40 should be 1/16th of that, or 3 hours and $50? But there's some custom code that needs to be written to calculate the address and there's no guarantee that that's what these letters mean.
Thanks, I'll reach out by DM on Twitter.
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