Ansel Linder is doing a deep dive into this and this is his take.
The rise of feminism and how women don’t take pride in being a mom anymore. Instead of starting to have kids in their early 20s they start in the late 20s early 30s by then they earn more money than then men in their dating pool then boom children are delayed.
While yes the money is one factor but it’s not the sole reason for the low birth rates.
Jimmy has been married forever he has no clue what it’s like to date as a modern man. I look back at my dating history it’s damn hard not to find an American woman who’s:
  1. Not fat
  2. No kids
  3. Doesn’t drink/party/do drugs
  4. Emotionally stable
  5. No homosexual activity
  6. Not on antidepressants
any reasonable man who wants to start a family is hard pressed to start one with any of the above issues thus they put off having children