I think those 14 question marks are the name of someone special to you.
I think you made a riddle that says: I’m gonna take away these letters and these letters only I know what they mean.
So who is the person you love that was important to you back then?
Who has a 14 letter name? What is the meaning of 14.
That is how I would think.
What I would do is trying to picture yourself back then. There is this faucet and you are sitting behind your computer.
How old were you? What was your job. Who were your loved ones?
Simulate going back and having a piece of paper. You go to the faucet. You write this down. You know this is a secret key and then you put 14 question marks. Why? Who did you think about that has 14 question marks in their name?
You mother Your father Your daughter Your wife ?
Go back
If you have plenty of time. Picture yourself 13 years ago. Like in a dream.
Like a movie. Picture yourself in that situation. Job, loved ones. House. In front of a computer. A piece of paper and a pen. How does the story go? 14 letter. Maybe 7 and 7?
Play the scene.
Do it over and over again.
Good luck
This is great. You should be a storyteller
Thank you, I will.