I would say yes. However, the golden rule in Bitcoin is to minimize any trust. So you may want to consider a 2/3 or 3/5 multisig where you mix hardware devices from different vendors. In this way you can make the signer a commodity and reduce trust on any single vendor. This also has the advantage in that you can store keys in different location such that a their would need to compromise several sites on order to obtain a quorum for signing. But if you only wanted single sig for now then I would say Coldcard are the best of the bunch for several reasons. 1: NVK, as frustrating as he can sometimes be, is very transparent and knowledgeable and focussed and you can listen to Bitcoin Review and get a really good insight into how he thinks 2: Bitcoin only 3: solid track record 4: lots of cool features that are actually good for increasing the security and robustness of your setup 5: lots of choice i.e. Mk4 or the blackberry-like device or just a simple tapsigner 6: respect privacy i.e. they don't run a node so you are encouraged to do that yourself. 7: source viewable (well... better than closed source and we can have a reasonable degree of confidence at the very least Coinkite's competitors are reviewing the code very carefully for any vulnerabilities or backdoors.)