The protocol is the court, it enforces the rules and bearer assurances—permissionlessly. You chose the centralized court, thus the endless pages of non-sensical legalese. Apologies for the rant, but this was overall a great learning experience for you. You set yourself up for this rant by telling us not to rant.
  • The creditor vote is meaningless theatre. You're not a lead plaintiff or whale, which basically means the weighting of votes is based upon your share of the claim. You have no influence. Don't bother voting.
Most of these cases end up with claimants getting 60% of their stack back on average. Even the Madoff case ended up with folks getting ~88% back. Let it play out, expect to get nothing back, be happy when you get something back, and lever the loss as a tax write-down.
Ahaha, yes you right... thanks for the rant then 😆 so as I assumed... the best option is to do nothing