There are some islands in the Caribbean where you still pay 5 dollars a month to have an account and about 0.5 $ for every transaction you make through your bank!!!
Imagine paying your salary and 5 premiums and taxes per month as a business. You end up with 5 dollars a month fee and all these costs.
Imagine growing to a team of 5 employees or 10 employees. Your transaction costs increase like crazy.
And when you want to send some funds to Europe or US you get the 15 dollars transaction costs of international fees again.
I once caclulated that if you would send 100 dollars over and over again to some businesses after just 200 times your whole 100 dollars would end up in the pockets of the banks. Isn't that incredible? With a transaction fee of 0.5 dollars per time in just 200 times transacting 100 dollars all the dollars end up in the pockets of fiat banks.
Being your own bank, means somebody has to pay for the roads. You can have your bank but if there is no road to another country or island, there is no bank actually. We have to watch this. There needs to be competition and the fees have to remain reasonable.
We cannot go to the Fiat Banking system where you pay too.
The only great thing is that with Fiat banks you money loses value on top of it. Because it is being printed like crazy. Luckily in Bitcoin we do not have that.