I would recommend you narrow your focus. It takes time, effort, and sats to run a lightning node. It isn't for everyone. If you are looking to make easy sats forget it. If you are looking to learn then its great. If you want to have more sovereignty its great.
Don't kid yourself. You aren't gonna compete with the big boys.
Look at @darthcoin's posts Also check out PlebNet. There are plebs like us that run nodes. We aren't trying to compete with the big boys. It is possible but there is a minimum investment of time and sats. As the network usage grows it is going to become harder to start a node. This isn't crazy at all. Its the way free markets and competition work. Every node can make its own rules. Small nodes that don't have liquidity, uptime, and other reliability metrics make the experience worse for everyone. This is a new technology. Its gonna be hard. Its gonna take investment of time and sats.
Adjust your expectations. You can run your own node. There are small nodes out there but you have to do the work. There are people here and in plebnet that will help. Good luck.
Thank you for this advice. I don't take it lightly. I don't want to compete with the big guys. I want to experiment with "being your own bank" and I want to eventually teach others. Like the organizations, the schools and businesses.
But indeed it is going to be harder to run your own node and I know it is a professional business for some, especially the larger ones.
I also see that if the price of Bitcoin increases that it is going to be harder to start a node and the transaction costs will be higher so the investment is going to be bigger.
I find it fascinating that I can just use umbrel and start receiving sats and sending sats. Because I have seen in the past big corporations like Paypal and Stripe deny people access to their services on some locations.
That is my main focus, educate myself and then eventually educate others.
My goals align with yours. Stick with it. I should have mentioned running a node on your phone with Breeze or Blixt. The tech still blows my mind and I've worked in tech for many years. You can indeed be your own bank and show others. You are on the right track. The time to learn these skills is now. If you are like me, you wanna know how things work even if you hire someone to do some things for you. That is how I view this. Good luck.
very good answer!