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I grew up so far west that the early NBA games used to start before I even got home from school.
What I miss most is the all-day football Sunday. The early games started first thing in the morning and the night games ended in the late evening.
Football Sunday was the best as a kid. No obligations. I used to get up have breakfast. Watch the pregame show for the 1pm est games then watch whatever game was on. Usually the Bills being the closest team. A couple of my friends on my street would do the same and we would go out and throw the football around after the 1pm game for half hour or so and then return to our homes to watch the rest of the 4pm game (usually miss the first quarter or so). I usually liked this game better because it was west coast so 49ers were featured a lot. Then I would have dinner, watch the pregame for the SNF game and the game and then go to bed. I did this for years on football sundays until I was old enough to have a social life and go hang out with friends.