pull down to refresh

because of a dishonest algorithm
because of spying on users most of which they can only mitigate by rooting and installing a different operating system on a phone, or using duckduck, brave, presearch..
because of working with your 'government' which is a codeword for criminals
this article analyzes the demise of google using sophisticated words and phrases: https://www.theverge.com/23846048/google-search-memes-images-pagerank-altavista-seo-keywords
but avoids addressing the real reasons for the fall of google
what say you?
AI's gonna obsolete search engines
I agree. "AI" is essentially a better algo not an artificial intelligence. Would be so much easier to talk about this topic with non-technical people if wasn't called artificial intelligence.
The primary issue I see with AI replacing search is you are placing even more trust in the tool/company than with a search engine. You have no clue where the answer is coming from. The more magic it seems to more faith people put in it. When I start thinking about it to much I get pretty dark on the future for most people.
Google already is testing AI on its search results. SEO on the other hand.
Indeed! And also make people more dumb, making them forget how to ask question in the general. They will ask AI to frame questions. I really miss old forum having to search to stuff to find my answers
We still have books though.
Search engines will always be there.
No, AI still needs training data. And who has the most? Search engines.
I think you underestimate how utterly irrelevant the privacy-minded community is. Google hasn't made itself obsolete, they're in the fiat-money generating phase of their business. They're just earning as much fiat money as they possibly can and prolong this period for as long as possible. They'll be obsolete after Alphabet has reinvested all of this money into other growth businesses. And this is still years or decades in the future
we refuse to be irrelevant and we have bitcoin!
"Because fuck em, that's why!" - Dave Chappelle
Yeah, Google started great, with their amazing search and then they added a fantastic email.
Then they started slowly changing for worse. The first pixels were great, no bloat. The current Pixels are basically the same as Samsung in terms of uninstallable bloatware. No thanks.
By the way, you don't need to root the phone to install GrapheneOS though. Highly recommended.
Ironically, it works on Pixels.
Wait are there phones that require root to install GrapheneOS?
Other OSs require root
Even postmarket os and ubuntu touch doesn't need root. For flashes I remember requiring only unlocking bootloader.
Aren't they ending the Pixel line, or is that just the Chromebook Pixel?
Where did you read that?, the official site says they support all the latest pixels, and I don't see a reason for them to stop supporting pixels:
GrapheneOS has official production support for the following devices:
Pixel 9 Pro Fold (comet)
Pixel 9 Pro XL (komodo)
Pixel 9 Pro (caiman)
Pixel 9 (tokay)
Pixel 8a (akita)
Pixel 8 Pro (husky)
Pixel 8 (shiba)
Pixel Fold (felix)
Pixel Tablet (tangorpro)
Pixel 7a (lynx)
Pixel 7 Pro (cheetah)
Pixel 7 (panther)
Pixel 6a (bluejay)
Pixel 6 Pro (raven)
Pixel 6 (oriole)
Thanks. It must be the Chromebook Pixel I was thinking about.
Google is still not obsoleted because of Gmail / Docs / Drive that it seems everyone in my circles uses for everything.
But Google Search is slowly becoming obsolete, and indeed was becoming obsolete even before ChatGPT. The search results were getting worse and worse, usually surfacing AI generated / SEO optimized junk to the top. Started having to request searches from specific sites, like how to do Y in game X reddit to get any real answers.
I will add that it search results are really for NPCs, you start to realize that what they show you is what they want to show you, and realizing that its a company that monetize with you attention and not your learning, their results are shit. Sometimes I prefer to search using Duck
i'm not a fan of anything that intertwined with defense contractors, the us govt, the cia, the nsa, the other alphabet gangs, and so forth. 'bout enough said.
Every time you click on a link from gmail, it goes first to google.com and then it redirects to the actual link.
Even though it shows the real URL when you mouse over the link, when you click on it, it actually changes to google.com/X and then redirects to your link.
That's not nice.
Mmmmmm we are human always depending on Internet.. it's grow so fast also weak.... 🥲
I say it reminds me of the fall of Empire in the Foundation series. Mathematically it's unavoidable that one day we'll all be using something other than google.
Still waiting on the tech to displace it though. Hopefully someone does something really creative with AI and distributed search tech that gives really great results soon.
I'm inclined to agree. Between all the spying/data collection/selling data and failed products, Google has just become a hot mess of a company. an overwhelming majority of their revenue comes from ads.