Not a festival but I saw a band called Big Ideas open for Pilate (later Pilot Speed). They were great. Oddly enough they were buddies with the audio engineer that mixed my band's second CD so I ended up meeting them and they headlined some shows for me when I owned my music promotions company.
They eventually changed their name due to a conflict but I can't recall what they changed it to so I have a hard time finding their music now.
The music business scene is like that isn't it. Everyone knows everyone.
Certainly at the independent level in a given city. Everyone plays shows at the same bars and clubs. Most of the audio engineers are either in bands or were in bands and then got into producing. Our situation was a bit different, the guy who mixed our second CD for us was actually pretty successful in the Toronto scene. He normally wouldn't have worked with us but did it as a favour because my ex wife (she was my gf at that time) had interned at his studio as part of her degree in radio and television arts. So she did most of the audio engineering on the CD but he did the final mix because she didn't really have the skill set to do that. Met some cool people through him. I don't know if you know the band Big Wreck, they were pretty big in Canada but I got to meet them through that same producer.
Listen to this guy. Talk about "glory days". Dude's band was the opener for the opener for the opener for BTK (who????) once and he is talking like he ran shit in Toronto. I think he had 10,000 plays on MySpace but 9995 of them were from his parents. Hahaha.
One thing I know for sure is if his NFL picking skills are similar to his musical skills he will be lucky to make it past week 2.
Ahahahahahaha very good 😜
I don't know them no. But now I have something else to add to my list of listening.
Haha don't bother. They aren't very good. They had one popular song called Peppy Rock, which was kind of catchy, but really nothing else. They headlined a new music showcase my band played at once. I just felt like trolling myself.