I'm not Canadian. I'm from the U.S., but @grayruby is Canadian. I'll check him out.
Yes, proudly Canadian until Trudeau was elected. I will check Tim Hicks out.
I guess I am still proud to be Canadian but disappointed in my fellow Canadians that they allowed this guy to pull the wool over their eyes.
You'll like Tim Hicks - stronger beer. It's a very "oh Canada 🫡" song. There's a secret UK verse he adds for UK gigs apparently and he played that and I was laughing my ass off. Very entertaining.
Ahh yeah. I remember speaking to GR about Banff and travelling things. I'd definitely take a look at some of the new age country, it's an awful lot better than some of the mainstream music the industry is churning out.
I will. I didn't know that was even a genre. People my age (old) are all flocking to this new country crap. It's getting to the point that I dread going to barbecues. I need my old rockers.
Jackson Dean was a bit more Country Rock than just country. You may like that aswell.