Again you brought external definition for "trash".
STAMPs store data as pubkeys. Do you want to have a method for censoring transactions after introspection into multisigs and warning user that their multisig is not according to imaginary community codex of good multisigs? Because all your statements virtually lead to such conclusions. You just cant live with peace about any data put on blockchain and don't believe in market forces apparently.
I said so many times in this thread that I can't and shouldn't be able to censor this garbage, why do you put words in my mouth that I not only never said, but actually said the opposite? I will discourage Bitcoin misuse and call those who promote such misuse enemies of Bitcoin. You don't like it? Then don't do it. Otherwise accept the label, many people think the same and will shame you into irrelevance.
No technical methods needed for that as they sure will bring much more harm than good, see BSV. Those who use ineffective multisigs can be educated, software can be improved to prefer more effective schemes because the goal is to store as little data as possible in the blocks while still achieving the ultimate goal of p2p digital money. Not monkeys or house ownership on chain that can't be enforced without external oracles anyway. Feel free to pollute the most valuable database on the planet, and I'll be free to tell everyone about your fiat time preference. Hope you're happy.