I hear this line a lot from Bitcoiners, but I don’t think it’s our best one.
When I look around today, basically every asset (except gold and land) already trends to zero on a long enough timeframe when priced in dollars.
  • Cars
  • Electronics
  • Companies
  • Clothes
  • Commodities
  • Homes
  • etc…
What else doesn’t trend towards zero on a fiat standard - yet will trend towards zero on a Bitcoin standard?
I think that price volatility will trend toward zero. We have data from USA after 100 years on gold standard. Prices on goods and services remained stable. "Deflation" from increases in productivity from new business models and technology was offset by increased demand from a growing population. So inflation/deflation it's not just about the money. Maybe I am stating the obvious.
on a long enough timeline the survival of everyone trends to zero
very true
How are homes trending towards zero in cuck bucks?
Even if tech is making construction deflationary, it's still limited by the scarcity of land. Unless you want to live on the 200th floor or on the orbit.
they all fall apart or need to be replaced within 100 years.
that confuses most people who buy land with a home on it… they think the home is growing in value, it’s really just the land… the home is on a slow, relentless path towards being demolished in 50-100 years.
Buildings made during the gold standard did tend to last longer. I think fiat has made construction worse quality given the technology imporvements. A beautiful enough building, like art could hold value...Art doesn't trend to zero.
This is trending towards zero dollars? https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MSPUS
Huh, I didn't know houses expired after 100 years. Mine is 127 years old. I wonder how Europe is doing?
Built during relatively sound money times, so that helped.
congrats, it’s still on a path to zero though.
i guess silver might also fit the description above… maybe i should have said “except precious metals and land”
I've seen graphs that say Electronics and TV's have actually been good on Fiat. (went cheaper)
yeah that’s what i mean, most things someone might buy will never be worth as much (in dollar terms) as the day they buy it.
some companies may go up in the short-run, but how many companies will really out-live the US dollar?